Let’s Talk About Fanfiction! (Ripper’s Rambles #71)

Allllllll my thoughts. Plus a journey in a time machine back to the Mulder/Skinner porn I stumbled onto back in 1995. YOU'RE WELCOME. Topic brought to you by @lennanadams in Ripper's Irregulars! Find the Irregulars here: krisripper.com/irregulars Find me on Patreon here: patreon.com/krisripper https://youtu.be/JToxOIM5y9I

May 21st, 2017|Categories: blog, podcasts|Tags: |

2017 Writing and Publishing Plans! (Ripper’s Rambles #64)

TL;DL: Re-release with new covers and new, uh, positioning: Red and Bad Gym! Writing: Practice Makes Perfect (done!) Less Ordinary (half-done) Crux Series (classified, natch) New Year's #4 (which has no plot or narrator or anything at all at the moment) Publishing: As La Vista Turns (out from Riptide February 27) Kith and Kin (potentially out from Brain Mill Press...at some point...ish...) Practice Makes Perfect (April/Mayish) Less Ordinary (August/Septemberish) New Year's #4 (November--ish) Now let's see what really happens! All plans subject to me chasing new shiny things. https://youtu.be/bQJ_JBYJOJ0  

January 17th, 2017|Categories: blog, podcasts|Tags: , , |