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A Decent Shirt (SFW) (Also: short)

Roughly a million years ago I wrote what was then the...second draft of what is now Catalysts. Early last year I wrote "The Housewarming Party", which starts with a few Derries and Singer Thurman in a car, on their way to Will and Adam's new house. The following exchange takes place between Jeremy, struggling to reconcile the Will he thought he knew with the grown man, and Singer, who knew more than he'd ever let on: “It’s not like Will said he’s gay. It’s like he just—has this whole side of his life that no one even fucking mentioned to me.

May 11th, 2016|Categories: blog, free-stories|Tags: , , |
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Cuddling (SFW)

This is for the lovely Nadine, who wanted to see Jem and Mac cuddling at home after a tough shift. It takes place directly after Training with the Professor in the Erotic Gym series. If you’re reading this between 4 April and 6 June, 2016, you can read all of these stories for free in Ripper’s Irregulars on Facebook. Come hang out! This story was written for Promptapalooza, 2016. If you’d like to play our reindeer game, go ahead and join the list. Mac was still thinking about Lupe when he walked into the house. He wasn’t surprised to see the light on

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Sweet Dreams Are Made of This… (NSFW)

This story takes place during the course of Threshold of the Year and is a Control the Smutwriter story, picked by El over at JustLoveRomance.com for Promptapalooza, 2016. If you’d like to play our reindeer game, go ahead and join the list. El wanted to see Lucy and Beccs together. You know. Together. Ahem. For the record, this is not my fault. You can send all of your hate mail to El, who might be more of a sadist than I am. (Okay, obviously not, but this was so her idea. I just happened to find it irresistibly delightful…) Enjoy! Beccs knew—had always

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Happy Birthday, Mr Jennings (NSFW)

Happy birthday, AJ Cousins! It’s Truman’s 40th (in November 2015, technically). Hugh decides, finally, to upgrade his phone–at the urging of his husband and boyfriend. When I tossed this idea out there months ago and asked you lot what apps everyone would suggest for him, this is what y’all came up with. Enjoy! The first text message Hugh received on his new phone wasn’t a message at all. It was a picture. Of Will. Specifically, of Will’s cock, somewhat in shadow, camera pointed down, framed by his shorts pulled out from his body, one hand brightly gleaming under the stark

Origin Story: The Real Life Build

I've been writing for a damn long time. And let me say this first: I don't mean to imply that writing for a long damn time in any way leads to writing well. At all. What it does lead to is having had many thousands of characters pass through one's writing life, and a few of the more compelling eventually make their ways into current works. And so it is, kind of, with Gage Maher. I used to write into this town when I was a teenager. It was my personal Castle Rock, if you will. I knew it incredibly

October 10th, 2015|Categories: blog|Tags: , , , |
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Deep Emotions (NSFW)

Once upon a time, I wrote this story, and posted it. I believe it was another one of Judith’s prompts, though that’s more or less lost to time. Then the database died during a server migration and I had to change webhosts and the old “full backup” wouldn’t transfer to the new host, and this post disappeared…until Maria was like, “Did I dream this?” She did not dream it. It exists! Judith wanted, I think, pre-Truman, Will mad at Hugh. Here we are. It falls right around the beginning of chapter twenty-seven of Catalysts. Will sat on the train, trying

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Bedtime Stories (NSFW)

One night, on Facebook, someone demanded a bedtime story. I wrote this on my phone while the kid played Minecraft next to me on the back deck. In which the author shamelessly hints at shit ze has no intention of writing soon, if ever. (This would be a good time to say I’m pro-fanfiction: go to it, y’all!) When Hugh was a child, his mother told him bedtime stories. It took him years to realize she was retelling him Star Wars in small vignettes. “Once they were in a bar and a challenge was made. But you know how badly

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Let’s Get Hugh Drunk (NSFW)

Somewhere in “Absence and Presence” the lads mention how they should get Hugh drunk. Nadine, in the comments (now lost to the website disaster) teased that she’d really like to see that, and by the way, her birthday was coming up…hint, hint. I can’t resist a prompt, you guys. It’s a sickness. For Nadine, on her birthday. It was supposed to be easier than this. Truman studied the low line in the second bottle—red this time, though after two glasses of white zinfandel Will’s tastebuds were willing to drink anything, evidently—and then studied his husband. Hugh wasn’t drunk. Or if

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Absence and Presence (NSFW)

Once upon a time, my friend Judith was going on a trip. “Write me something I can read on the plane,” she said. “What if Hugh was going away for some reason and Truman and Will couldn’t go with him?” Two months later, I finished this. First person, in three parts, from Truman’s, Will’s, and Hugh’s POV, taking place something like a year after Extremes. And it’s about twenty thousand words long, so I’ve also helpfully included it in file formats you can read on your devices, though there’s no cover or fancy stuff. Just words. (I…have not looked at

The Housewarming Party (SFW)

I leave a lot of open loops in the Scientific Method Universe books. More than really makes sense, but I’ve been writing these characters for so many years (and there are so very many stories I have yet to tell), I indulge myself. One of the open loops after The Boyfriends Tie the Knot was about Jeremy and Will. I played with it a little in “Brotherly Love”, but it still didn’t satisfy me. It wasn’t enough to be a book, it was too much to just be a scene. And so we have this bit, from Jer’s perspective: “The Housewarming Party”.

May 7th, 2015|Categories: blog, free-stories|Tags: , |