A Whore in New York (NSFW)

I never wrote fanfiction, in the classic sense of the word. I’ve never written other people’s characters. (Characters who aren’t mine remain firmly read-only in my imagination.) But I do occasionally get bitten by so-called plot bunnies, unable to banish the idea until I’ve written it. Fanfiction of my own work, if you will. And Hugh Reynolds? Wants his fingers in all the pies. Get your mind out of the gutter! He’s very curious, our Hugh, and he finds a way into stories that aren’t his with some frequency, though this is the first time I’ve written it down. I’m

November 26th, 2014|Categories: blog, free-stories|Tags: , |

Now We’re Cooking With Gas

Good god, this revision's gonna kill me. Having said that--after writing from scratch the first ten thousand words, I've moved into sections of the novel that aren't completely bunk! Hooray! I fucking love this book. Hiram and Manny, yo. I adore them. I hope you guys dig them, too. The Ghost in the Penthouse: A Romance, out...soonish. Oh, shush. I'll know when it's out when I get the cover finalized! Oh, chills. Just wait. Just. Wait.

November 24th, 2014|Categories: blog|Tags: |