• Photo of books

Real Quick!

I'm looking at dates! I'm self publishing four things in the next *counts* four months! If you're supporting me at $5+ on Patreon, y'all, that business is gonna hit your inbox a week before it's released in the wild! Two re-releases: Training Mac: 19 September (which means 12 September for $5+ Patreon folks--AKA NEXT WEEK) Teasing Mac: 17 October (which means 10 October for $5+ Patreon folks!) Two new releases: Taking Mac: 14 November (which means 7 November for $5+ Patreon folks!) Let Every New Year Find You: 12 December (which means 5 December for $5+ Patreon folks!) Just in

September 4th, 2017|Categories: blog|Tags: , |

2017 Writing and Publishing Plans! (Ripper’s Rambles #64)

TL;DL: Re-release with new covers and new, uh, positioning: Red and Bad Gym! Writing: Practice Makes Perfect (done!) Less Ordinary (half-done) Crux Series (classified, natch) New Year's #4 (which has no plot or narrator or anything at all at the moment) Publishing: As La Vista Turns (out from Riptide February 27) Kith and Kin (potentially out from Brain Mill Press...at some point...ish...) Practice Makes Perfect (April/Mayish) Less Ordinary (August/Septemberish) New Year's #4 (November--ish) Now let's see what really happens! All plans subject to me chasing new shiny things. https://youtu.be/bQJ_JBYJOJ0  

January 17th, 2017|Categories: blog, podcasts|Tags: , , |
  • To do list

Catch-all posts of things that need to be done…

I've been writing one scene for weeks. I can't seem to get it done. And it's not a block or anything so glamorous. It's just a scene I really like that isn't getting written. Mind you, without preschool it was just me and the kid 24/7, and when I claimed work time I had to funnel that into revisions on books I owe people. Still. I hate dragging out work like this. Saps the joy. Summer 2016: Outline the fantasy series; synopsize all five books. (done) Release The Library, vol II (oops...kinda forgot) Promote Queers of La Vista! Gays of Our

Podcast #12: Production Schedule Goofiness!

I am, evidently, in a giggly mood. Fuck me. No spoilers, I don't think, but this is basically eight minutes of me being a goddamn goofball and mentioning my video-recording lack of professionalism. You've been warned! [ETA: The hair. My nicknames in grammar school? "Furball" and "Afro". Yep.] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0ilhHqUKx8&feature=youtu.be

And, the Holidays

For those of you blog-surfing during Xmas week, I thought I'd pop in and say hello. Hello! We're having an extremely low-key Christmas around here. My bro, who generally works all holidays that fall during his work week (and most of the ones that don't), is randomly off on Christmas day. This would have been perhaps more helpful when my niece was younger (at fourteen, she's not exactly waiting up for Santa), but it will be nice to not rush in the morning, or wait until the afternoon. In other notes, I've just posted the beginning of my 2015 production

December 24th, 2014|Categories: blog|Tags: , , |

A Quickie

Man, you guys, I'm fucking busy. That's not a complaint. That's something I'm shouting at you from my seat on the roller coaster as I speed past. I love this kind of busy. I love looking back at the last six months and seeing a trail of books behind me. I'm excited as hell to write the ones ahead of me, especially The New Born Year, which is a nifty little novella that takes place at the beach house Hugh and Truman may or may not decide to buy. Right now? Right now I'm wrapping up revisions on the Maizy book (hopefully;

October 9th, 2014|Categories: blog|Tags: , , |

And now back to our irregularly scheduled program…

Hello! Let's chat. And when I say "let's chat," what I really mean is: "let me tell you about a chat I had with myself." Only before we dive into that, let me say this: I just bought a keyboard (a, uh, Microsoft something-something ergonomic 4000), and I think it's saving my ass right now. My wrists have been burning a bit lately. I don't usually get a burn, I usually get a deep ache, but this has been burning, and it's felt pretty gnarly. I resisted buying a  decent keyboard for about five minutes, until I realized that every

July 16th, 2014|Categories: blog|Tags: , |