As La Vista Turns: Excerpt

Chapter One I didn’t mean to kiss Dred. It was an accident. I was a little hungover after the wedding, and the sunlight was, like, glaring through my windshield, and when she got in the car I was happy to see her, so I kissed her. Okay, so “kiss Dred” wasn’t on my list of things to do, but it was an accident. And we were grown-ups. It was no big deal. Except for the way neither of us pulled back. Except for the way I really wanted to kiss her more. Except for the look in her eyes—all open

February 3rd, 2017|Categories: blog|Tags: , , |

Dynamics (NSFW)

This is a bit of a tease. There's no story here. The way you get the story is by joining the list ( (If you're already on the list and you see this before 16 December 2016, don't worry, yours will hit your inbox Friday.) But. I thought I'd give you a little taste. This story takes place after One Life to Lose. It subtly alludes to but does not spoil events in that book and As La Vista Turns. To get the most out of it, you should at the very least have read The Queer and the Restless and One Life to

December 14th, 2016|Categories: blog, free-stories|Tags: , |

A Friendly Intervention (SFW)

This story is a crossover between Queers of La Vista and the Scientific Method Universe. It contains mad spoilers for QLV #1-4, so do not read it if you haven’t read those. Do not. **If you're reading this the week it posts, the first book in the series, Gays of Our Lives, is currently ninety-nine cents, so go pick it up!** What’re you still doing here? Did you read QLV? DID YOU? I don’t care how much you love Hugh Reynolds, don’t read this story. *narrows eyes* Did you hear me say SPOILERS? …Did you? Spoilers. Stop now! Unless you’ve read

December 12th, 2016|Categories: blog, free-stories|Tags: , , , , |
  • OneLifeToLose Cover

Blog Tour: One Life to Lose!

Your tour stops! Links to the posts will go live as they're published. Almost all videos this time around, y'all. Enjoy! And if you haven't joined the list yet to pick up your free copy of One Life to Lose's longish post-book short story, Dynamics, you really should. Join the list here! December 12, 2016 - Love Bytes Reviews December 12, 2016 - Bayou Book Junkie December 12, 2016 - Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents December 13, 2016 - Prism Book Alliance December 13, 2016 - Man2Mantastic December 13, 2016 - Alpha Book Club December 13, 2016 - Wicked Faerie's Tales

December 11th, 2016|Categories: blog|Tags: , , |

One Life to Lose: Excerpt

Chapter One Three minutes until go time. I relaxed the death grip I had on my index cards and took another look at the computer screen currently showing four of the theater’s security cameras. The lobby was almost cleared out and the theater was almost full. I felt dizzy. I don’t experience anxiety as a jumpy heartbeat or damp palms. When I am most nervous, the color leeches out of the world, leaving me walking through a grainy black-and-white film. As a coping mechanism, it works well; I’m comfortable in that state, navigating the gray areas, finding a home between

December 3rd, 2016|Categories: blog|Tags: , , |

We Need a TARDIS (SFW)

I made a super ragey video about the election. Which I was encouraged to post. And also encouraged not to post. Then I wrote this instead, because fiction is always a better place for my rage. Also, Gwen in H2 on Facebook was reading Gays of Our Lives and a few of us were like, "Ha ha ha, Emerson's response to the election would be amazing." So here it is. This is not a polished, pristine story. This is working art, the kind of thing you make because you have a place for it, and maybe it ain't beautiful, but it serves

November 16th, 2016|Categories: blog, free-stories|Tags: , , |
  • QoLV_Logo

The Queer and the Restless Blog Tour!

I'll be everywhere this week, rocking on about The Queer and the Restless. Come hang out! October 31, 2016 - Love Bytes Reviews ( October 31, 2016 - Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents ( October 31, 2016 - Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words ( October 31, 2016 - MM Good Book Reviews ( November 1, 2016 - Prism Book Alliance ( November 1, 2016 - The Day Before You Came ( November 1, 2016 - Boy Meets Boy Reviews ( November 2, 2016 - The Novel Approach ( November 2, 2016 - Book Reviews and More by Kathy ( November 2, 2016 - Erotica for All ( November 2, 2016

October 31st, 2016|Categories: blog|Tags: , , |

The Queer and the Restless: Excerpt

Chapter One I sat in my chair on the day after the Fourth of July holiday, drinking coffee and staring at the wall. Since I didn’t have the energy to actually start writing, I switched the calendar over my desk to July: a picture of a massive cruise ship on a spectacularly blue sea with the wordsFind the destination of your heart in script below it. It was one of those times when I really wished I had darts. One in the hull of the ship. One in the benevolently shining sun. The rest in that perfect ocean, taunting me

October 23rd, 2016|Categories: blog|Tags: , , |