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The Queer and the Restless Blog Tour!

I'll be everywhere this week, rocking on about The Queer and the Restless. Come hang out! October 31, 2016 - Love Bytes Reviews (http://lovebytesreviews.com/2016/10/31/45123/) October 31, 2016 - Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents (http://fangirlmomentsandmytwocents.blogspot.com/2016/10/the-queer-and-restless-by-kris-ripper.html?zx=5ec744ece87d1e85#.WBd2deErLSA) October 31, 2016 - Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words (https://scatteredthoughtsandroguewords.com/2016/10/31/in-the-spotlight-the-queer-and-the-restless-queers-of-la-vista-3-by-kris-ripper-giveaway/) October 31, 2016 - MM Good Book Reviews (https://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com/2016/10/31/the-queer-and-the-restless-by-kris-ripper-blog-tour-excerpt-giveaway/) November 1, 2016 - Prism Book Alliance (http://www.prismbookalliance.com/2016/11/kris-ripper-on-the-queer-and-the-restless-guest-blog-local-giveaway/) November 1, 2016 - The Day Before You Came (http://www.thedaybeforeyoucame.com/the-queer-and-the-restless/) November 1, 2016 - Boy Meets Boy Reviews (https://boymeetsboyreviews.blogspot.com/2016/11/giveaway-blog-tour-queer-and-restless.html) November 2, 2016 - The Novel Approach (http://www.thenovelapproachreviews.com/guest-post-and-giveaway-the-queer-and-the-restless-by-kris-ripper/) November 2, 2016 - Book Reviews and More by Kathy (http://www.bookreviewsandmorebykathy.com/2016/11/01/7018/) November 2, 2016 - Erotica for All (http://eroticaforall.co.uk/guest-blogs/queer-restless-kris-ripper-smuttastickris/) November 2, 2016

October 31st, 2016|Categories: blog|Tags: , , |

The Queer and the Restless: Excerpt

Chapter One I sat in my chair on the day after the Fourth of July holiday, drinking coffee and staring at the wall. Since I didn’t have the energy to actually start writing, I switched the calendar over my desk to July: a picture of a massive cruise ship on a spectacularly blue sea with the wordsFind the destination of your heart in script below it. It was one of those times when I really wished I had darts. One in the hull of the ship. One in the benevolently shining sun. The rest in that perfect ocean, taunting me

October 23rd, 2016|Categories: blog|Tags: , , |