• To do list

Catch-all posts of things that need to be done…

I've been writing one scene for weeks. I can't seem to get it done. And it's not a block or anything so glamorous. It's just a scene I really like that isn't getting written. Mind you, without preschool it was just me and the kid 24/7, and when I claimed work time I had to funnel that into revisions on books I owe people. Still. I hate dragging out work like this. Saps the joy. Summer 2016: Outline the fantasy series; synopsize all five books. (done) Release The Library, vol II (oops...kinda forgot) Promote Queers of La Vista! Gays of Our

Whoa, nellie, contract what?

Sooooo, no sooner did I make a schedule but I'm breaking it. With good reason! I just signed a contract with Riptide Publishing for the entire Queers of La Vista series, y'all. Five books. For that matter, I just finished book two like ten minutes ago. Hooray! And like, contract. I've never worked with a publisher before, so this should be interesting. But I'm so looking forward to developmental edits on this series. Because I think I can pull it off, but I'll do it so much better with a little bit of help. Totally exciting! I need to shoot

November 25th, 2015|Categories: blog|Tags: , , , |

Everything’s Changing. (And you gotta be ready…)

Yes, avid readers, that is a Torchwood reference. (Oh, RTD. So problematic. So addicting.) Dude. Things are fucking changing around here. You may have noticed, by my absence, that I'm a busy little bee. I've got all the irons in the fire. All the irons! Okay, not all the irons. But enough irons so I'm both exhilarated and overwhelmed. Update post! Item the first. We're gonna institute a schedule around here because I'm posting...nothing. I post nothing. Sorry. I used to be so on top of that. I had scheduled posts for weeks! But now I got nothing, and it's not for lack of inspiration. So.

November 17th, 2015|Categories: blog|Tags: , |

Reflections and Updates

My sincere thanks to recent commenter VC, whose comments reminded me I, y'know, have a blog. Don't get me wrong, I love blogging. Adore it. I've been writing on the web since before the word "blog" existed, and then I fought against it for years (coded my own sites with the HTML, thank you, just when stylesheets were hitting the scene). I don't self-censor as much, and I believe in reflection. The fiction I write is reflective, though sometimes I don't see the traces of myself in it until years later. Case in point. The New Born Year is shaping up

October 21st, 2014|Categories: blog|Tags: , , , |

A Quickie

Man, you guys, I'm fucking busy. That's not a complaint. That's something I'm shouting at you from my seat on the roller coaster as I speed past. I love this kind of busy. I love looking back at the last six months and seeing a trail of books behind me. I'm excited as hell to write the ones ahead of me, especially The New Born Year, which is a nifty little novella that takes place at the beach house Hugh and Truman may or may not decide to buy. Right now? Right now I'm wrapping up revisions on the Maizy book (hopefully;

October 9th, 2014|Categories: blog|Tags: , , |