2017 Writing and Publishing Plans! (Ripper’s Rambles #64)

TL;DL: Re-release with new covers and new, uh, positioning: Red and Bad Gym! Writing: Practice Makes Perfect (done!) Less Ordinary (half-done) Crux Series (classified, natch) New Year's #4 (which has no plot or narrator or anything at all at the moment) Publishing: As La Vista Turns (out from Riptide February 27) Kith and Kin (potentially out from Brain Mill Press...at some point...ish...) Practice Makes Perfect (April/Mayish) Less Ordinary (August/Septemberish) New Year's #4 (November--ish) Now let's see what really happens! All plans subject to me chasing new shiny things. https://youtu.be/bQJ_JBYJOJ0  

January 17th, 2017|Categories: blog, podcasts|Tags: , , |
  • Ripper's Rambles

The podcast catch-up post…

Er, apparently I've been lax posting these over here, so we'll do it all at once. Quickie Naptime Update (Ripper's Rambles, #45) Take the Leap is out! (Ripper's Rambles, #46) Queers of La Vista is DONE! (Ripper's Rambles, #47) Twenty-One Years. (Ripper's Rambles #48) When the kid's in school and I'm not at the library, I'll get back to weekly posting, but for the next few months it'll be hit or miss. I know it's a great tragedy because when I ramble I'm, y'know, full of depth and insight, BUT I'm sure we'll all survive.

March 2nd, 2016|Categories: blog, podcasts|Tags: , , , |
  • Ripper's Rambles

Ripper’s Rambles #18: Mix Tapes!

Welcome to the newly rebranded podcast! Since I only record these things when I don't put a huge ton of pressure on myself to have, like, a them, I thought I'd embrace it and call the thing "Ripper's Rambles". After nine months of rambling, I've decided to give the podcast a name. I owe a bit to high school-aged Stephen King (or maybe he was in college), who penned a column called "King's Dump Truck". So here you go! I will now ramble, all for you. [ETA, I'm on the phone with my friend Cole, who--despite the fact that she

February 18th, 2015|Categories: blog, podcasts|Tags: , |

Podcast #12: Production Schedule Goofiness!

I am, evidently, in a giggly mood. Fuck me. No spoilers, I don't think, but this is basically eight minutes of me being a goddamn goofball and mentioning my video-recording lack of professionalism. You've been warned! [ETA: The hair. My nicknames in grammar school? "Furball" and "Afro". Yep.] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0ilhHqUKx8&feature=youtu.be

Podcast #9: Fuck Suicide.

A podcast in which I cry through the entire thing and offer no solutions of any kind. Yep. I dedicated Take Three Breaths to "those who are pulled under, but keep getting out of bed anyway." I'm gonna dedicate this podcast to those who are pulled under and don't. You are still my people. Rest in peace. httpv://youtu.be/7Skwf6flhfY

August 11th, 2014|Categories: podcasts|Tags: , |