A quick note to say…the first draft of Home Free is complete. I’m exhausted, my wrists are sore, and I’m not entirely certain I ended it in the right place. Oh, okay, if I’m being honest–I’m never sure about my happy endings. I have no faith in them at all. But I’ll give this a good thorough revision next week or the week after, then send it out for beta.
(Are YOU interested in beta reading a romance novel with a trans main character and a character with a history of brutal sexual violence? No, there aren’t any fucking flashbacks, and no, there’s not a lot of trans processing. I know, bucking tradition everywhere. If so, email me: krisATkrisripper.com! I’m so not kidding.)
Goodnight, y’all. Man. I sure hope Maizy’s story lives up to Maizy’s disposition–you know, cheery, with a cutting edge. I could use a little cheery. This revision’s gonna be totally fascinating.
First draft stats:
Words: 75,992
Days: 29
Days until publication: 42 (whew, okay, then)
Now, onto Close to Home
I'd beta read that! I seem to be relatively trigger-free, and nothing I've read of yours so far has even encroached on my squick boundaries. Not sure what that says about me, though…
You have my email address?
Ohhhh, an email is on its way to you, Jane!